What si Colon Hydrotherapy?

It is a natural method of cleansing the colon. A certified, licensed, and insured colon hydrotherapist will introduce a soothing flow of warm, sterilized water into the colon. Through appropriate use of massage, pressure points, and other various techniques, the colon hydrotherapist is able to assist the client in the elimination of a significant amount of toxic waste matter, more than any other short term detoxification program or procedure.

Why do Colonics?

The normal stool Transit time for a physically active person is 12-18 hours. Transit time is the time that it takes from the time you eat until the time you eliminate what you ate. Physical activity increases peristalsis or movement of matter through the colon. In Western society where our lifestyle has become sedentary, the average transit time is 18-36 hours. This slower transit time has several consequences.

1. As matter sits in the colon longer, it begins to adhere to the internal walls, much like years of gunk stuck to the inside of plumbing pipes. As this matter builds up, there is less physical space for matter to move through, thus reducing the efficiency of our detoxification system.

2. As toxic matter sits in the colon, eventually it gets reabsorbed through the lining of the colon back into the bloodstream. It circulates throughout the body wreaking havoc systemically. Systemic toxicity compromises the body’s immune defense, may cause mental confusion, fatigue, and oxidative stress which will hasten the aging process and put undue stress on the body ultimately leaving the body vulnerable to cancers and autoimmune conditions.


What are the benefits of colon hydrotherapy?

  • Removes toxic matter from the body
  • Restores PH balance in the body
  • Strengthes peristalic contractions, which improves bowel efficiency
  • Reshapes the colon
  • Hydrates the body
  • Stimulates reflex points to others organs


What additional benefits may I expect?

Accompanied by proper diet and regular exercise, a colon hydrotherapy treatment can assist the body with detoxification and therefore may offer these additional benefits:

  • Enhanced immunity
  • Enhanced weight loss outcomes
  • Improvement in skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis
  • Increased energy and reduction in the symptoms of fatigue
  • Improvement in memory
  • Headache relief

How many colon hydrotherapy sessions are recommended?

The number of sessions will depend on the individual´s personal health goals and the condition of their colon. After the first session the therapist will make a recommendation based on individual needs and may also recommend specific products to enhance the subsequent treatments. However, a series of three colonics is generally recommended for optimal cleansing

Is colon hydrotherapy painful or embarrassing?

A colonic is rarely described as ‘painful’. Most would describe the first session as ‘a little uncomfortable’. Mostly, the first session is psychologically uncomfortable as one does not really know what to expect from the session and it is unusual to have the urge to eliminate when lying on a table with another person in the room. However, an impacted colon can cause physical discomfort. During the session, some mild cramping may occur as the colon contracts to eliminate the waste. Once the major impaction is removed, many actually find the session pleasant. Your dignity is always maintained in a private room. The odor associated with regular bowel movements does not exist as everything goes through the hose and out through the plumbing.

Can colon hydrotherapy improve “intestinal flora” or bacterial balance in the body?

Yes. The body is host to many types of friendly bacteria such as acidophilus, lactobacillus, and bifidus. These friendly bacteria support the immune system by helping white blood cells fight disease, control putrefactive bacteria in the intestines, provide important nutrients for building blood, assist in digestion, protect intestinal mucosa, prevent diarrhea and constipation, and contribute to proper bowel elimination. They also facilitate the absorption of important B vitamins.

Antibiotics, which are used to treat bacterial infections, do not discriminate. They kill all bacteria, including the good, friendly bacteria that our body needs. One course of a strong antibiotic can disrupt the balance in our bodies completely. When waste toxins and yeast overgrowth are removed through colonics, it is a great time to introduce ‘probiotics’ or friendly bacteria into the body, as beneficial bacteria have a more hospitable environment in which to thrive and re-populate.

Is colon hydrotherapy safe? What about Sanitation?

Our colon hydrotherapy equipment is manufactured through compliance with strict FDA guidelines. It features temperature sensors, a built-in chemical sanitizing unit, and a water purification unit. We use only sterile disposable hydrokits and specific cleaning supplies that are FDA compliant.

What should I do to prepare before a session?

It is recommended that you drink plenty of water and, for your comfort, that you refrain from eating at least two hours before the session.